Tuesday, September 19, 2006

*I get angry and mad about that monster that just cut me off.
Force him to pull over and tell him to love-off
The beat is mixing my words and moving my pen.
Pushing the imagination and my voice, my rhyme sends

* I remember the first time I ever saw you cry. It was after the storm had stopped and the clouds washed away.
Was there a day when you didn’t believe in me?
Do you wish you didn’t?You were so strong in your silence. Holding tight. You kept yourself in shadows. Holding back. You stepped away and barely noticed as I reached.
I know guilt. And your eyes said it all. Your quiet sob was all I needed to know. Your pain was not yours alone. You hid, afraid to show weakness. So I cried for you. That night I fell out of love. That night you left. That night i stopped believing.

Friday, September 15, 2006

So here is my first official Blogger post. Thsi looks liek this could be fun..watch put world here i come.